Monday, April 03, 2006


"I don't know why I'm so confused.
Though I'm guilty I'm not accused.
I'm lagging back, becoming a new person.
I can feel my condition constantly worsen.
The path that lighted my way is gone.
In the dead of night, I wait for dawn.
In the middle of a river, I'm barely able to float.
I'll soon drown if I can't find a boat.
I'm in need of help, save me now.
Come to my rescue soon somehow.
Maybe then I'll be able to see,
A whole new chapter, a whole new me!!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! You know, it's really funny when you think you made a masterpiece of a depressing poem immediately once you make it, and when you read it months later, it's just shit! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It's just toooooo funny now. I made it, like, MONTHS ago when I was crying into my pillow while trying to sleep and I just decided to make a poem because the words were just flowing out of my head, just like that. God, it sounds sooo demented!! I sound like a psycho .. {Maybe I even am one!! It's just funny for me to imagine myself in a psychiatrists, though!!}To think I fell in love with it after I wrote it .. and to think I made 4 more stanza-thingies later on{which Dy was very upset with because it hurt her ..

You know, for ALL this while I've thought poems were actually my thing, when now I look at it, I suck at it. I mean, I look at all my past poems like this one, and I just find it to make NO sense absolutely and everythings just, well, NONSENSE!! It's sad. I've recently just lost a thing I used to call talent ... {two minutes of silence to brood} ...

It's my first attempt at blogging so don't blame me if this post sucks or it isn't even blog-material, if such a thing even exists. This will be one of my VERY occasional and rare posts{I know they mean the same .. I'm just trying to convey a message here, so emphasizing will do good} on our {Dy's} blog. Forgive me, Dy, for posting such un-blog-like shit-stuff on your{our} oh-so-wonderful and blog-like blog authored by one-who-has-a-flair-for-blogging, Drish{you}!!

"I was totally bummed when I wrote that po-yum,
Food's come now - yummy yummy yum yum.
I have to go now and fight for my food,
Yummy yum yum yum, goody good good good."

Post Script: And just for the record(and Vaik too), all openings for the origami class and jogging club are closed :D .. don't ask if you don't get it. HA12!! HA ONE TWO!! (-I know, later, I'll badly regret saying that and bonk my head on the wooden table a hundred times but I don't quite care now)
MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second Post Script: I know I'm making an absolute fool of myself now, but I really don't care because I'm in a wonderful mood(all thanks to the wonderfully fun thing we did today Dy)!! If anybody didn't know, (Vaik, this is just for you) in the game of bastketball, there are 5 players on court and seven subs!! And I can play basketball!!

Third Post Script: Dy=Drishya, Vaik=Vikram and Post Script = nonsense; embarassing inside jokes (they're inside unless Dy and Vaik have already explained them to you, as much as I wished, and presently wish, them not to)


Countdown to The first day of school
